Slideshow: The Real Story of Pets and Character

 Slideshow: The Real Story of Pets and Character

Is Your Personality Predicted by Your Pet?

individuality. According to a University of Texas at Austin survey, there may be some truth to some stereotypes about pet owners. It's possible that you share a lot more similarities with your pet than you realised. See where you stand and how other Americans are divided into dog lovers and cat lovers by looking through our collection.

Personality Quality: Diligent

Participants in the online study were asked to categorise themselves as "dog people" or "cat people." Subsequently, participants responded to inquiries intended to unveil their genuine nature. Compared to cat owners, dog owners were 11% more conscientious. What it implies:

  • Self-controlled
  • strong sense of obligation
  • Usually "planners"
Characteristic: extroverted

Do you grasp the moment? You probably do, if you're a dog lover. According to the report, dog owners were 15% more outgoing than cat owners. What it implies:

  • Radiant and Enthusiastic
  • Optimistic and enthusiastic

Personality Quality: Observant
Do you feel willing to attempt new things? The survey found that those who own cats were 11% more likely to be gregarious. Those who are open are typically:

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  • Inquisitive Creative Artist
  • unconventional minds

Characteristic of Agreeableness

The survey found that people who like dogs are 13% more likely to be amiable than people who prefer cats. Those who are agreeable are often:

  • Altruistic and trustwrthy
  • Dedicated and amiable
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Characteristic: Neurotic

You might be a cat person if you are easily stressed out. Compared to dog owners, cat owners were 12% more neurotic. Those who are neurotic are:

  • Worriers who get anxious easily
The Ordinary Dog Owner

If dogs are typically gregarious, devoted, and easy to get along with, then their owners must also be. However, Sam Gosling, PhD, the survey's author and a psychologist, acknowledges that there aren't many distinctions between dog and cat owners. "There are certainly many, many cat people who are extroverts and many, many dog people who aren't," Gosling asserts.

The Ordinary Feline  

Which would you rather do: spend time alone? Always willing to try something new? You might perhaps be a cat person. According to the survey, cat owners were more likely than dog owners to be inquisitive, unusual in their behaviour and thought processes, and worry more easily.

More people own dogs than cats.

Of those who completed the study, almost half identify as dog people. Merely 12% claim to be cat lovers. How many people are dog and cat lovers? somewhat over 25% of the total group. Nationwide, animal lovers are in charge. Merely 15% of respondents claimed to dislike dogs or cats.

Doggie Benefits: Adoring and Faithful

Dogs truly do deserve to be known as man's best friend. A dog offers a lifetime of love and devotion, regardless of size or breed. Being social creatures, dogs like the company of people. Some breeds, like Rottweilers, are also great guardians.

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Doggie Drawback: Training Is Required

Not-so-cute behaviours can be exhibited by even the best dog. Dogs can snarl and bite, jump up, dig, pull on a leash, or bark. You must impart good manners to your dog in order to stop misbehaviour. While some dogs require more time and skill to teach, others are easier. In any case, the money and effort you invest in obedience training will pay off by making your dog a happy companion for many years to come.

Kitty Advantage: Self-sufficient

Cats are known for needing little care. They do not require walking or bathing. For hours at a time, they may be left alone. Cats require a lot of love and care even though they prefer to go about their own way. Set aside some time every day to play with your cat, give them some TLC, or brush them.

Kitty Drawback: She can be aloof at times

While some cats enjoy interacting with people, others would much rather hide, especially from strangers. It's possible that your buddies are unaware that you own a cat! Kittens who experienced insufficient human interaction may exhibit timidity. When a cat gets tired of your attention, even the sweetest one will get off your lap and sashay off. 

Doggie Benefit: Endless Vitality

A dog is the best playmate there is if you're looking for one. The majority of breeds enjoy being outside and are lively. For jogging, hiking, or just taking a leisurely stroll in the park, a dog can make an excellent companion. Fido makes an excellent workout partner if you're attempting to lose weight. Dogs need to exercise just as much as people do.

Doggie Drawback: Hair All Over

All dogs, including those said to be better for allergy sufferers, shed at least a little bit. You will notice more dog hair on your furniture, carpets, and clothes if your dog has a longer and thicker coat. Dogs can also get matted and nasty in their coats, so be prepared to give your dog a bath and brush, or hire someone to do it for you.

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Kitty Upside: Comfortable Partner  

In terms of snuggling, cats are the best. Furthermore, the majority of cat owners will attest to how incredibly calming a purring cat can be. In fact, upon closer inspection, researchers discovered that persons who cuddled up to a purring cat had somewhat lower blood pressure and stress levels.

The Litter Box Is the Cat's Downfall

Not everyone enjoys emptying the litter box. But if your cat lives indoors, you must have one. Cleaning the litter box for your cat is necessary at least once a day. To prevent unpleasant odours, the litter should be changed once a week, though some of the newer litters don't require a weekly change-out. To accommodate many cats, you might require more than one litter box.

What Does Your Dog Tell You?

You can deduce a dog's emotions and intentions from its body language if you are familiar with it. Dogs could

  • If they sense danger, they will avert their gaze.
  • "Grin" as a symbol of capitulation
  • When you are aggressive or alert, hold up your tail and ears.
  • When they are afraid, they shrink themselves.
What Does Your Feline Say?

To determine your cat's mental state, observe their behaviour. Cats could

When ill or unhappy, let the tail droop; when anxious, twitch the ears and tail; when trusting, flutter the eyelids; and when satisfied, knead the paws.

Consider Other Pets: Rabbits

House rabbits can be wonderful pets. In addition to being cuddly and lovely, they can use a litter box and are highly gregarious and loving. They might not be the best choice for small children, though, as they typically dislike being picked up. Because they enjoy chewing, rabbits may harm electrical cords or furniture if they are given full rein in your home.

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Reptiles are Alternative Pets to Consider 

Before acquiring a snake, turtle, or lizard, do your homework. Pet reptiles require a lot of upkeep. Many can survive for fifteen years or more, and lizards and snakes can get rather big. Additionally, reptiles require specialised habitats, which can be costly. Carnivorous animals, such as worms, crickets, or mice, require live food.

Reptiles are Alternative Pets to Consider 

Before acquiring a snake, turtle, or lizard, do your homework. Pet reptiles require a lot of upkeep. Many can survive for fifteen years or more, and lizards and snakes can get rather big. Additionally, reptiles require specialised habitats, which can be costly. Carnivorous animals, such as worms, crickets, or mice, require live food.

Consider Other Pets: Birds

A bird is your only option if you want a pet that you can communicate with. Parrots have a vocabulary of at least 100 words and are able to put meaningful phrases together. Depending on the type, even non-talking birds can be quite intelligent, entertaining, and have long lives. They can be your friend for a decade or even forty years.

Is It Advisable to Keep an Exotic Animal?

In recent times, sugar gliders and monkeys have gained popularity as pets. Regretfully, while bringing an exotic pet home, most individuals are unaware of what they are putting themselves into. If animals aren't provided the right food, they risk becoming obese or malnourished. They might be harmful or dangerous. In summary, bringing an exotic animal into your house requires a great deal of thought and preparation.

Illnesses Your Pets May Carry


Both the septicemic and bubonic plagues are brought on by flea bites. However, you could contract pneumonic plague from stray droplets when your pet sneezes if they already have it. Symptoms of each type include headache, chills, and fever. If antibiotics are not used to treat it, it may be fatal. Keep your pets flea-free and away from rodents to help avoid it.

Infected pets' faeces, which are typically from puppies or kittens, lay eggs in the ground that eventually develop into larvae. These come into contact with your body through the skin, such as when you walk barefoot on them. The hookworm rarely poses a threat. For a few weeks, your lower legs or feet may itch with red lines; however, this should go away on its own. Inform your physician if you experience any of these symptoms, including diarrhoea or stomach pain.

When an infected animal bites you, the virus is spread through their spit. It can be a fox, skunk, coyote, raccoon, or a pet that never received its vaccinations. At first, you can feel ill and have a temperature. Later on, you may feel anxious, disoriented, and restless. To help guard against the virus, wash any bite you've received with soap and water. See your physician as soon as you can. If you don't take the proper medication, rabies will kill you in a matter of days.


This parasite is spread by the excrement of infected cats. Thus, remember to frequently clean the litterbox and wash your hands afterwards. It is possible to become infected and remain healthy despite the infection. However, if you have a weakened immune system or are pregnant, it may create complications. Fever, red, hazy eyes, and muscle aches are some of the symptoms. While most patients recover on their own, in more severe situations, your doctor might prescribe medication.

Cat Scratcher Illness (CSD)

This bacterial illness can be transferred to you by your cat biting, scratching, or licking an open wound. Raised, pus-filled ulcers may appear in the sensitive, swollen area. Both a headache and a fever are possible. Antibiotics may be necessary, although it normally goes away on its own. Cut your cat's nails to prevent scratches, and try not to play rough. The bacteria that causes CSD can be avoided with flea treatments. Use soap and water to clean any bites or scrapes.

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worms on tape

Although it is uncommon, people can contract tapeworms from animals. Usually, a flea that bit your pet bit you after your pet swallowed an infected flea. Children are primarily affected by it. Your pet's excrement may include tapeworm fragments, each the size of a rice grain. Fleas can be deterred with topical medicines, collars, and pills. Even though some tapeworms can reach lengths of about three feet, they are typically not harmful. Also, they are simple to treat.

When you come into contact with dogs, cats, pigs, horses, or other animals, this fungus can spread. While adult animals might not exhibit any signs, bald patches and crusty hair are common in kittens and pups. On the outermost layer of skin, people acquire red, itchy rashes that resemble rings. To help prevent the infection, keep your living space, your pet, and yourself clean. It can be eliminated with antifungal lotions, sprays, and tablets, however occasionally it recurs.


Lizards, snakes, birds, hamsters, goats, dogs, and cats are among the animals that may appear normal and healthy yet really harbour this bacteria. However, if you don't wash your hands after handling their food or anything in their living space—bedding, water bottles, fences, etc.—you run the risk of being ill. Fever, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, and stomachaches are possible symptoms. Most individuals get better on their own in a few days, but some may need to stay in the hospital.

The bacterium may be found in the faeces, faeces, or spit of infected farm birds, such as chickens and turkeys, or in the urine of pet birds, such as cockatiels and parrots. As it dries, tiny dust particles accumulate that you could breathe in and become infected. It can also spread by bird bites. You may get chills, a headache, fever, and a dry cough, which can occasionally indicate a dangerous lung infection. Antibiotics will be prescribed by your doctor to eradicate the germs.

Lyme Disease

Dogs and cats cannot directly transmit the germs to you, although they may carry infected deer ticks. Ticks should be killed once they come into contact with pills, topical medications, and collars; they won't stay away. Knowing if you have Lyme disease, which is spread by deer ticks, is not always simple. One symptom is a round-shaped rash, but not everyone experiences it. In addition, you may experience joint pain, vertigo, and headaches. Early detection of Lyme disease should result in a full recovery with the correct medications.

READ MORE: Is My Dog's Food Allergy Possible?

Spotted fever in the Rocky Mountains (RMSF)
Dogs who enjoy running through the undergrowth may carry an infected tick home with them and infect you. You may experience fever, chills, and aches in your muscles, similar to the flu. Usually, a rash begins around your ankles and wrists and works its way down from there. See your doctor as soon as possible if you see this, and take some antibiotics. If left untreated, RMSF can cause kidney failure and death as well as inflammation of the heart, brain, and lungs.


This bacteria is transferred by faeces by infected dogs or cats. If you experience any symptoms, these include fever, nausea, stomachache, and bloody diarrhoea. Without any medication, you ought to recover in about a week. If the illness gets into your circulation or if your immune system is compromised, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. 


This parasite moves in excrement. Although it's uncommon, your pet may give it to you. Hand washing is the greatest approach to avoid infection, as is throwing away dog poop promptly. Another way to keep it off your dog's fur is to give them a bath.

Staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin (MRSA)

Although humans are the primary carriers of this antibiotic-resistant bacteria, pets can also become infected or carriers. MRSA can be transmitted by a pet's wound or skin illness. Thus, while you are treating your pet, keep everything tidy and keep them away from people who have recently had surgery or who have weakened immune systems. Should you contract it, you'll experience skin illnesses such as excruciating, pus-filled boils or pimples. Pneumonia as well as blood or joint infections may result from severe cases. If you or your pet exhibit symptoms, consult your physician or veterinarian. Antibiotics and wound drainage are among the treatments.

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Remain Calm 
You don't need to be concerned about contracting every disease your pet does. Many of the most prevalent ones are impossible to catch:

Heartworms are parasites that are carried by mosquitoes that settle in your pet's lungs and heart.
Parvovirus: A virus that typically causes pups to throw up and have diarrhoea
Distemper is a viral illness that can harm your dog's neurological system over time and cause fever and coughing.
If you have any questions concerning symptoms, consult your veterinarian or doctor.

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